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Wellness Journeys: Connect with Nature

Wellness Journeys.

The "Art of Slow Living."

Restorative Friday & beyond: Connecting with Nature.

To soften the "doing", the busyness of every day living, to reconnect within, to restore inner balance and calm, we need to turn off the noise of the world around us.

One of the most empowering, transformative and regenerative wellness journeys that we can experience is a return to our origins, aka reconnecting with the natural World.

I was born in an Island surrounded by the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean sea, contrasting with the white and pink colours of the coastal cliffs, the secluded coves and white sandy beaches: Being at one with the sea and the marvels of Nature is part of who I am.

My mindfulness journey that has begun years ago, has strengthened the deep connection, nurturing the bond with Earth even further, and today being in Nature every day (almost!) is a way of living.

"Eutierria" is the word used to define one's positive feeling of oneness with Earth.

The amazing news ? Everyone can experience it.

We connect with Nature shifting our focus on the sensations that arise within the body, mind and heart as we engage with the natural environment through the senses.

Here are few tips on how to make the most of the experience:

  • When walking in the woods or by the sea shore, observe, move your attention to the sounds, the colours, the scents and tactile sensations that arise within yourself.

To deepen the experience, you can let yourself float in the water, touch or hug a tree or stand barefoot in the forest or park.

What do you feel ?

  • Star-gazing or sitting around a campfire: Look up at the infinite sky; or keep your gaze on the flickering flames of wood logs as they slowly burn through the night.

  • Listen to the sounds: The chirping of birds; the swaying of trees; the whistling of the wind.

'Allow nature’s peace to flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.” – John Muir

How do you feel?

Experience Nature for yourself: Turn off the noise of the world and step into the magic of the natural world.

Return to "wholeness", nurturing your 'being', your mind, body and heart , and come back

to your daily activities with a renewed sense of empowerment, feeling completely regenerated.

Be intentional: Create your own ritual of slow living. Free up space for mindful time away.

Get the camping or hiking gear ready, and reward yourself, your people, team with a fully immersive sensorial experience in the outdoor.

About the Author: Monica Dettori is a Holistic Transformation & Change Consultant, Conscious Leadership & Wellness Coach. Learn more about her work here.



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