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Unlocking the Power of Heliotropic Leadership: How to Inspire Growth and Positivity in Your Team

Have you ever walked into a room, engaged in a conversation and felt immediately a wave of positive energy running through your body that made you feel instantly uplifted and enthused ?

Well, you have just met a Positive Relational Leader.

According to research, the greatest predictor of leadership success is "positive relational energy", namely the energy exchanged by leaders who energise those around.

Positive relational leaders are natural ENERGISERS:

They’re like the sun: They walk into a room and make it glow.

People around them feel immediately inspired & connected.

Positive energy is the most underutilized yet powerful indicator of leadership and organisational success.

Why ?

Because it is "wired" in human biology, in how people feel at mental, physical and emotional level when a positive leader is around.

Positive energy is contagious.

When individuals converse with positive relational leaders, they are exposed to their "relational energy", which is to say that people experience an intrinsic feeling of trust, connection and motivation, deriving from a surge in the release of positive hormones or chemical neuro-transmitters oxytocin (the "bond" hormone) and dopamine ( the "reward" and "motivation" hormone).

Leaders who are inherently positive energisers,

  • Are authentic.

  • Are values-based.

  • Cultivate positive emotions and thinking, inwardly and outwardly.

  • Possess superior emotional intelligence and empathy. They embody forgiveness, compassion, humility, kindness, trust, integrity, honesty, generosity, gratitude, and recognition: They create a like-for-like working environment in which people flourish, grow and develop.

Positive relational energy connects deeply with reciprocity, or the act of genuinely giving to others around, catalysing for greater shared-value creation and elevating collective effort across the whole organisation.

In botanical terms this phenomenon is known as the "heliotropic effect": Like plants turn to sun-light to grow and find nourishment, people are drawn to positive people and leaders.

Research findings into positive relational leadership showed that:

  • Positive relational leadership catapults performance to a whole new level.

  • Positive energisers sustain innovation, teamwork, and engagement.

  • Positive leaders are central to well-being and job satisfaction.

When you interact with leaders in your organisation, what happens to your energy?

About the Author: Monica Dettori is a Holistic Transformation & Change Consultant, Conscious Leadership & Wellness Coach. Learn more about her work here.



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