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The 6Cs of Employee Engagement (EE)

❓️How does EE measure up to performance and long term sustainable growth ?

Engagement can be defined as 'the emotional commitment one has to their organisation and its goals, bringing with it higher discretionary effort."

Engagement is strictly inherent to a feeling, an emotional state generated by the internal environment in which people work and invest most of their waking time in.

The internal eco-system, encompassing culture and, within it, leadership & values, systems & processes, determines a multidimensional experience.

This complex multi-layered reality translates into emotions or states of being people either connect with or feel disengaged from.

Envisioning the company as a living entity in which the internal dynamics and forces at play produce experiences, is to say that by being intentional about creating and promoting a healthy and thriving work environment will translate into higher levels of engagement through those experiences.

Long term sustainable engagement can only be achieved when the work environment is an enabler (instead of hinder) to 👇

💠 Connection, to the vision and mission of the company from a place of belonging, collaboration & deeper listening.

💠 Care, through recognition & wellbeing, by acknowleging people's achievements and efforts, and meeting their needs.

💠 Communication, through openness, ethical behaviours, transparency and innovation, embodying a mindset that embraces change with optimism and as a means to growth through continuous improvement.

💠 Confidence, in the leadership across the organisation, whose positive behaviours and active support to creativity and innovation, inspires trust through clarity and directed effort.

💠 Growth, connecting to the company's trajectory through a well defined people roadmap that offers scope for career advancement.

A healthy and thriving internal eco-system that nourishes its seeds day by day, for them to bloom into resilient and strong buds, will flourish in ambassadors, and committed employees who rave about the brand, building authentic networks beyond the 'on-the-job' journey with the company, thus strengthening the talent pipeline, and so ensuring long term sustainable growth and greater performance.

About the Author: Monica is a Human-centric Transformation & Change Specialist, Leadership & Wellness Coach. Learn more about her work here.

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