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How to build change readiness for sustainable organisation transformation.

"Success is where preparation and opportunity meet." B. Unser

By taking a holistic view of the path to change, it is critical to assess the organisational "buy-in" context, identifying potential roadblocks during the initial audit of the internal environment, to bring forth change readiness across the board and to avoid the perpetuating cycle of resistance that most change programs encounter.

💎Design a change journey that is centred around the six dimensions below to strengthen change readiness:

✅ Legitimate participation to the change journey, making it a collective effort. This will draw-in voices that might have remained unheard within the organisation, yielding greater support and contribution to the initiative.

✅ Promote ownership, by shifting from traditional "outcomes first" views to "shared-value" creation where the whole organisation has a clear understanding of the need for change, how you envision this to happen (roadmap) and the wider contribution sought that will lead to the expected change and transformation.

✅ Place emphasis and concerted effort on change that has become a priority for the enterprise. Invest on relevant change initiatives that bridge between the strategic direction of the organisation and people's needs. Change is first and foremost, an emotional journey. If the emerging emotional sentiment of the organisation is met, the change is more likely to head off to a great start, building on readiness and tapping into the initial momentum to achieve the needed shift.

✅ Make change attainable and realistic. Resistance can arise as result of many factors, including overwhelm. By communicating the change strategy through a roadmap that presents milestones and offers opportunities for iteration before moving to the next sprint, would significantly increase connectedness and participation, stead fasting your onward move.

✅ Weave it in with authenticity, by evaluating what behaviours may need to be challenged to create the collective action that instils trust, confidence in the program and in those who are leading it at the front, calling for collaboration across the broader networks within the organisation.

✅ Lastly, consider the need for having individuals who can help you along the journey, by facilitating dialogue, offering a higher level perspective from different angles and impartial support.

Get in touch to work with me. I add value by helping you identify internal change hinders, design a fit-for-purpose change roadmap so that you can move forward with renewed clarity, feeling empowered to create sustainable transformation for you people, team and the organisation at large.

Sketchnote credit QAspire Consulting

About the Author: Monica is a Human-centric Transformation & Change Specialist, Leadership & Wellness Coach. Learn more about her work here.

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